sábado, 5 de octubre de 2013

Mi tesis



Aguilera Cerni, Vicente, Ortega y d’Ors en la cultura artística española (Madrid: Editorial Ciencia Nueva, 1966)(Colección Los Complementarios de ensayistas españoles contemporáneos).
Boyers, Robert, Culture and the Intellectual at the Height of the Time, 80 TriQuarterly 160-170 (Winter 1990/1991).
Gantner, Joseph, Ortega y Gasset und die spanische Kunst (Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literature; Wiesbaden: In Kommission bei F. Steiner,1976)(Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literature. Abhandlungen des Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Klass; Jahrgang 1975, nr. 8).

Livingstone, Leon, Ortega y Gasset’s Philosophy of Art (Thesis, Brown University, 1952).

Livingstone, Leon, Ortega y Gasset’s Philosophy of Art, 67 Publications of the Modern Language Association 609-654 (September 1952). Originally presented as the author’s thesis, Brown University.
Moron Arroyo, Ciriaco, Ortega and After: An Idea of the Humanities, 36 The Literary Review 424-427 (Spring 1993).

Orringer, Nelson R., Sport and festival: a study of ludic theory in Ortega y Gasset (Dissertation, Brown University, 1970).

Prescott, Edward Kerrigan, Art and reality in the aesthetic theory of Ortega y Gasset (Dissertation, University of California, 1966).

Prittwitz, Wilko von, Las aproximaciones críticas de Ortega a Goya (Master’s thesis, Emory University, 1986).

Read, Herbert Edward, High noon and darkest night (Middletown, CT: Center for Advanced Studies, Wesleyan 
University, 1964)(Monday Evening Papers; 3).

Read, Herbert Edward, High noon and darkest night : some reflections on Ortega y Gasset's philosophy of art (Zürich: Rhein-Verlag, 1965)(Eranos Jahrbuch; 33).

Salmon, Laura, On point of view in photography : a transposition of the work of Jose Ortega y Gasset (Masters’ thesis, Columbia College, Chicago, 1990).

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